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Membership With Commons Search

Pro Search      1 mos/$137.00, 1 mos/$59.00, 1 mos/$33.00, 1 mos/$18.00, 1 mos/$8.00, 3 mos/$159.00, 3 mos/$87.00, 3 mos/$50.00, 3 mos/$22.00, 6 mos/$39.60, 6 mos/$89.00

Intermediate Access

Benefits and Features

YouTube Videos can start within the video

You can start a YouTube video by selecting minutes and seconds within the video. Example: start video at 5 minutes, 10 seconds.

Search by Username or Channel

Some image galleries such as Flickr, YouTube and Twitter can be searched by including a username or channel. By default, these options are turned off. But this benefit will allow you to search by Flickr or Twitter username or YouTube Channel (or other options that similar galleries may provide.)

Results of Search will not show links to commonsSearch

By default, all images found with commonsSearch show "Image found with CommonsSearch" link in the results, with a link back to commonsSearch. With this benefit, that link is removed.

Remove Watermarks from Image Selections

By default, images on the Select Image page have a commonsSearch watermark. With this benefit, all such watermarks are removed.

Select from a list of Premium Galleries

By default, you can select images from a half-dozen Image Galleries; such as Flickr, Pixabay, Google, Wikemedia, etc. With this benefit, you have the option of selecting images from other Premium galleries. We will be adding more Premium galleries, so you get more access over time.

Select images by Date Range

In most image galleries, you will have the option to choose images by date submitted; for example, two weeks, one month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or more. Some galleries will not have a Date Range; for example, Pixabay and Twitter. These sites do not provide information for selecting by date range.

Select image sizes other than the default size

By default, your images will have 300px width (approx.) With membership, you can choose different resolution images of size 150px, 350px,500px, 640px, and 750px (more will probably be added.)

Pro Search      1 mos/$137.00, 1 mos/$59.00, 1 mos/$33.00, 1 mos/$18.00, 1 mos/$8.00, 3 mos/$159.00, 3 mos/$87.00, 3 mos/$50.00, 3 mos/$22.00, 6 mos/$39.60, 6 mos/$89.00